Tux Teaches Photonics


Tux Wearing a Hat

Figure 1.0 - Tux wearing a hat.

What is a laser?

LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser is a concentrated beam of light.

The light emitted from a laser is basically all the same wavelength or colour of light (monochromatic). When white light is split up, all the colours of the rainbow are visible. If a red laser is split, however, only red light is found.

Unlike light from other sources, such as that from a light bulb, laser light stays as a tight beam over large distances. However, like all light it does spread out a bit.

The waves of light that come from a laser are all lined up perfectly. This is called coherent light and is vital for many uses of lasers.

Lasers can be classified into two categoties; continuous and pulsed lasers. An example of a continuous laser is one that uses gases to generate a continuous beam. An example of a pulsed laser is one which uses either crystal, glass or a semiconductor as the medium to create a pulsating beam.

There are four classes that lasers can be grouped into depending on their power:

Uses for Lasers

Lasers have wide uses in today's life. They are found in devices such as CD-ROM drives or CD players to read data on CDs. They are also used in supermarket checkouts to interpret barcodes. Lasers also have many applications in medicine, such as in the removal of scarring or tattoos from a person's skin.

In optical networks, lasers are used to transmit information through optical fibres. This is accomplished by flashing or turning on and off the laser thousands of times a second. The binary system of numbers is normally used to transmit this information. The two states 0 and 1 are represented by either the presence or absence of the laser light.

Lasers can be used to measure everything from temperature to speed. Because a laser does not need delicate probes and because they can be extremely accurate, they are ideal for use in rugged applications and where a high level of accuracy is needed.

How Lasers Work

Lasers control how excited atoms release photons. A medium is stimulated to get its atoms into an excited state. This is normally done with intense flashes of light or electrical discharges that come from a device called a flash tube. After the medium has been stimulated it will have lots of atoms with electrons that have high levels of energy. These electrons get rid of this energy as photons (light energy).

The wavelength of the light that is released depends on the state of the electrons energy. Identical atoms with electrons in the same states will release photons of identical wavelengths.

A laser has a mirror at each end of the medium. Photons with a certain wavelength and phase travel back and forth reflecting off the mirrors. As they do this they stimulate other electrons in the medium to release some of their energy as photons of the same wavelength. Soon there are lots of photons all identical wavelength.

The mirror at one of the ends is a 99% reflective mirror. This means that it reflects most of the light for the propagation of more photons but lets some through. This light that passes through is the laser beam.

Ruby Laser Example

The following images depict how a simple ruby laser works. The ruby rod is the medium used to create the laser light.

1. Laser when it is off.

2. Flash tube puts light into the ruby rod exciting the atoms within.

3. Many of the ruby atoms emit photons.

4. The photons that are traveling parallel to the axis of the ruby tube bounces back and fourth off the two mirrors. As they travel through the ruby they stimulate the emission of light from other atoms.

5. The light that leaves the laser through the 99% mirror is monochromatic (all of a single colour or wavelength) and unidirectional.

Types of Lasers

Lasers are normally grouped according to the medium used to create the laser light.

Although there are many different materials used for the laser creating medium, all lasers work using the same basic principals.